There are two types of interim grades, early alert and progress report. Early alert grades are requested starting in week 6 and progress report grades in week 10 of the semester.
For information on how to submit interim grades, view this Technology Solutions knowledge base article.
We collect interim grades for a variety of reasons, including:
- Complying with federal aid guidelines
- Certification for outside agencies, such as US. Department of Education, National College Athletic Association, and external grant agencies
- Deploying resources such as academic advisement and support for students facing challenges
- Fulfill professional responsibilities for the University
Collection Timeline
Early Alert Grades
Week 6 of the semester - Collection starts in Week 6 of the semester and is due by the start of Week 8.
Progress Report Grades
Week 10 of the semester - Collection starts in week 10 of the semester and is due by the start of week 12. This is timed with the last day to withdraw from the University or WX from a full semester course.
Release Timeline
Interim grades are displayed to students after they are approved by the instructor.
Data Usage
Responding to early alert or progress report grade requests will not violate FERPA or the student’s right to privacy.
The information provided is used to meet federal mandates as well as to provide intrusive academic support and directed academic advisement. Advisors will discuss grades and progress with individual students. Additionally, University College coordinates various outreach efforts for students who receive concerning grade reports.
Reporting Concerns
It’s common for a faculty member to feel as if they don’t have enough information to report a grade on a student. It can be uncomfortable to indicate a student’s progress early in the semester while much of the course content and graded material is yet to come.
Interim grades are an early gauge of the student’s progress and can signal to the student and related support staff that a student might be in need of some additional assistance.
Additionally, interim grades often can indicate a pattern of performance in multiple classes and provides staff an opportunity to influence a student’s academic behaviors and performance prior to the end of the semester.